Necessity and Compulsion

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Book 2/Chapter 3

Necessity, not compulsion (section 5)

1. We must attribute conversion entirely to what?

2. What drives evil will and what drives good will?

3. Those who are offended by this do not know how to do what?

4. If necessity is the same as compulsion, what must be said about God?

5. Calvin agrees with whom in these matters?

Effectual grace (section 6)

1. What must we not divide?

Imagined cooperation (section 7)

1. What does Calvin think of Lombard’s idea of “prevenient grace”?

2. What is prior to all merit?

Scriptural foundations (section 8)

1. Why does Calvin cite Augustine?

2. What is the basis for Calvin’s assertions on this topic?

3. How do we know that faith is a free gift of God?

These are the questions for the readings for Thursday, March 12, and those readings can be found here.

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