Like a Canoe Full of Bricks

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Let me recommend a post over at TeamPyro, and let me do this for a couple reasons. The first is that I want to commend Frank Turk’s post there. He is a genuine non-FV guy, a baptist, and he is the only one I have encountered (thus far) that is really capable of stating my position in terms that I would generally recognize and own. He then goes on to reject it, but I believe he has a good grasp of what is actually happening in all this.

The second reason for heading over there is that Michael Metzler showed up in the comments section of the blog to do his typical thing. In his interactions with him, Frank Turk found out what it is like trying to give a tar baby a bath in vegetable oil. But I bring it up for this reason. In the course of his in interaction with Frank, Michael said this.

You here seem to imply that I am some kind of anonymous troll. But this is entirely not true. I always give my real name and often give even my cell phone and email address….sometimes even my PO box address. This is information advertised on my web site too. As Stacey recently argued on Wilson’s blog however, if Steve was Michael Metzler it is clear what the only intentions would be in using an alias; it would simply be for the purpose of being able to participate in the discussion at all. That seems like a pretty simple issue. So I’m not sure why you would make me out to have this kind of problem when I am in fact one of the most non-anonymous guys on the internet.

“Entirely not true. Always give my real name. One of the most non-anonymous guys.” So this constitutes a categorical denial of internet anonymity on Michael’s part. The problem with this statement is that it is entirely and demonstrably false. Michael has been repeatedly banned from this blog because of his posting under anonymous names, and this is not just a bare assertion. I am in possession of weighty proof — like a canoe full of bricks — that this is what he has been doing. And in the quote above, Michael treats Stacey and Steve as two other individuals, with photos on their very own drivers’ licences. But Michael = Stacey = Steve. In other words, I know Michael posts anonymously, and can prove it, and I am using “proof” here in a sense not in vogue with postmodernists.

This means that Michael has repeatedly violated the ninth commandment on my blog, and he just now violated it on TeamPyro’s blog. And for all the differences we have over FV stuff, we agree that violating the ninth commandment is not to be done. Michael really needs to remember that Pooh was an honest bear.

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