Introduction to Confessional and Systematic Theology:

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Remember that a systematic understanding of any given text is really synonymous with a formal understanding of the text. Understanding of a work is impossible unless there is an ability to summarize it, and summary is nothing but a systematic distillation. The real enemy is systematic misunderstanding of the text (not to mention systematic misapplications).

Another danger would be a correct systematic understanding of the text which is divorced from any living knowledge of the text. Imagine a student who had read the Cliff’s Notes and Barnes Notes for a work of literature multiple times, but had never read the work itself. His knowledge would be accurate, but still barren.

In our study of systematic theology, we are not striving for originality. We want to add our voices to those of the historic Church, and so in this study we are going to follow (albeit not at every point) the Westminster Confession of Faith.

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