In Every Clause

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Book 2/Chapter 16

What the ascension did for us (section 16)

1. What did Jesus do for us by means of His ascent into heaven?

2. Do we look forward to heaven as with a “bare hope”?

Kingdom come (section 17)

1. Despite His present power, where is Christ’s kingdom now?

2. Will any escape His judgment when He returns?

Our Judge and Redeemer (section 18)

1. Who will share with Him in the work of judging?

2. What can a Head not do?

3. What does the Son do with the judgment He has been given?

In every clause (section 19)

1. What do we find in every clause of the Creed?

These are the questions for the readings for Wednesday, May 6, and those readings can be found here.

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