First, Glance Over the Blurbs

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Let the review begin! And let it begin with the easy stuff. I begin by looking over the blurbs, and those represented here include well-respected theologians — a respect well-deserved, I might add — but then there are some blurbs from some folks right off the emergent fruit farm. I conclude from all this that somebody doesn’t know what he is talking about, excluding the guy who obviously knows how to market a book, getting it into all the niche markets.

Right . . . I am not reviewing the book right now, but rather commenting on the menagerie of blurbers. If the concert were by Livorotti the Italian high tenor, and he were really something in that concert, but half the blurbs (“a tour de force!” “soul-transforming. . .” and “that really was a high note!”) were from people that I knew for a fact could not carry a tune with a fork lift and lots of union labor, then I conclude that at least some of the reviews are telling me nothing one way or another about the concert itself.

So the book itself continues to wait patiently.

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