Faith in Adversity

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Book 3/Chapter 7

True sincerity (section 7)

1. For Calvin, are loving actions sufficient?

2. How can liberal actions be made reprehensible?

3. When we give to the downtrodden, what must we experience?

Devotion to his will (section 8)

1. When we learn self-denial, what two things form in us?

2. Our fear of what is wonderful to contemplate?

3. What must happen for true prosperity to occur?

God’s blessing alone (section 9)

1. When we look for divine blessing on our labors, what is bridled in us?

2. If we rest in God, what outcomes will we be content in?

Bearing adversity (section 10)

1. What part of our lives must we entrust to God?

2. If we are confident in this, what will we do in adversity?

3. This firm resolve in adversity must not be confused with what pagan view?

4. How does God structure our lives?

These are the questions for the readings for Monday, June 15, and those readings can be found here.

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