Calvin on Providence

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Book 1/Chapter 15

Adam’s freedom (section 8)

1. Did Adam have the resources, prior to the Fall, to attain to eternal life?

2. Why should we not invoke the doctrine of secret predestination in this discussion?

3. Why do the “philosophers” misunderstand the nature of man?

Book 1/Chapter 16

Creation and providence (section 1)

1. Why can the doctrines of creation and providence not be separated?

2. Would God make something as majestic as the universe without caring for it afterwards?

No such thing as chance (section 2)

1. How does Calvin describe the opinion that chance governs?

2. What governs all things?

God’s providence (section 3)

1. Is God’s providence general or specific and detailed?

2. How does Calvin deal with the claims of astrology?

These questions are for the readings on Monday, February 16, 2009, and the readings can be found here.

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