Away With Monkish Vows

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Book 4/Chapter 13

Monastic sectarianism (section 14)

1. What does Calvin call blasphemy?

2. How were the ancient monks different from Calvin’s contemporaries?

3. What does Calvin call this?

Indictment of the monks (section 15)

1. What is rare among monasteries?

2. Even in Augustine’s day, what does he lament?

3. Does Calvin think there were any good monks left?

Critiquing the ancients (section 16)

1. Does Calvin have anything to say that is negative about the ancient monks?

Whatever they vow (section 17)

1. What does Calvin think of monkish vows?

2. What must a monk who is gifted with continence be able to do?

3. What should a monk do if he cannot keep his vow?

4. What twisted logic by the Romanists does Calvin reject?

These are the questions for the readings for Wednesday, October 28, and those readings can be found here.

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