An Admonition to Some of My Peeps

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Fixed the link. Apologies.

As you all know, Jared and I had a three-hour convo with Chris Gordon the other day, which was posted on YouTube. Now maybe posting anything on YouTube is just asking for it, but I would like to raise a point of personal privilege, if I might. The segment and the comments can be found here.

That debate has over a thousand comments now, and while a number of folks expressed the same kind of appreciation that Jared and I felt for what Chris did, some of the other comments, coming from fans on my side of the gym, have started to “sink to personalities.” But if we want this kind of thing to happen again, as I most certainly do, then we shouldn’t start heckling or mocking the guy who took the initiative to make it happen, as Chris most certainly did.

So here is the point of personal privilege. If you posted something there that you think might make my forehead red if Chris were to call me up to ask if “I know this guy,” and I did, but I wanted to say that I didn’t, would you do me a big favor and go delete it? I don’t like the narrative that “there is no sense talking to Wilson.” Believe me, there are folks on Chris’s side of the gym who were not happy that this happened, and he is going to hear all about it from them. Rude comments from our team are simply strengthening their hand.

What good is it if all the players on the court behave themselves, but then a bleacher full of rowdy fans pull down a technical for us?

Chris is a sincere brother in Christ who took a big step on the basis of what he believed to be the right thing to do. I respect him highly, and I really do ask all my friends to do the same.