Christians have been living in exile for far too many years. This exile is the exile of an arbitrary dualism, one that separates our private faith and the public faith. This is the heresy of modernity, and the political expression of that heresy is the ideal of liberal democracy. According to this heresy, what you believe as a matter of religious principle must not have any public impact whatever. Christians are allowed to participate in the public processes, but the price of admission is a willingness to embrace a schizophrenic faith, with the lordship of Jesus kept indoors at all times.
For over a century, Christians generally have been complicit with this. And so long as the secularists were willing to conform their external behavior to certain tenets that were thought to be expressions of our common humanity, but which were actually leftovers from the previous Christian era, we thought the compromise would not be too costly.
But it remains true that God is not mocked, and men will always reap what they sow. We are the generation of Christians living in the time of harvest, and the harvest will not be pleasant. The way out is not activism, but rather repentance. We must see what the issues are, and we must repent.
In the providence of God, in our day, what is left of the Western world is confronted with two significant threats. The first is the wave of Islamic immigration, primarily in Europe. But their weapons are not boxcutters, but rather babies. The second threat is the secular American empire, run by hard, pragmatic pagans. These pagans running the show will do what pagans running the show have always done, which is to act wickedly, and if we continue to cling to our schizophrenia, we cannot pretend to be astonished at the results.
We present the gospel to both forms of unbelief, and we call all the nations to kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and we perish in the way. Our means of doing this is worship.