Eating and Drinking the Wisdom of Christ

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When you come to worship the Lord, you do so in order to magnify His name, His Word, and His way. Spiritual confusion enters when we try to listen to more than one spiritual authority. We are Christians, and this means that God alone has ultimate authority over us, and that God alone has an infallible authority.

All other authorities in your life can err, and do err. The best of them err, and the worst of them lie. Listen to all legitimate authorities with a submissive spirit, but the fundamental submission must first be to Word declared.

As you worship this morning you are coming back into the garden in order to obey God through Jesus Christ. Our first father and mother were expelled from this garden through listening to a lie, and we are admitted back in through obeying the truth. Our first priority must therefore be a cultivation of the spiritual ability to tell the difference between the two.

As we come back into this garden, take heed to put away everything the serpent wants to whisper to you. His voice comes through many lying servants – scientists, authors, poets, songwriters, moviemakers, politicians, friends, fashion designers, But if they do not teach according to the Scriptures, what wisdom do they have? None at all.

When you drink their “wisdom” you are drinking water from a ditch, scooping it up with dirty hands. God offers you rich red wine in a crystal goblet. Turn away from their lies, all of them foul, and come now, to eat and drink the wisdom of Christ.

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