Bread, Not Crumbs

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As you worship God, keep in mind that He is kind to us, and He teaches us. But also keep in mind that we have much to learn. The disintegrating condition of the contemporary church around us, and the fact that we see it, should not make us proud, but rather should make us fear. We have not arrived, and the fact that we reject the general apostasy does not make us mature. Apart from the unmerited grace of God, we would be beneath contempt.

A text we will consider today says that man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. It does not say that we live by morsels or crumbs. We live by every word of God, all words of God, and we must recognize that nothing exists apart from that Word. In His Word we live. Without it, we die. Apart from His Word is the experience of the outer darkness, and even that is defined by His Word — but not for life.

The words of life, the words of the covenant, are set before You today. Choose life, that you might live. Obey Him — why would you want to die?

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