The Holy Spirit dwells in the Temple of the living God, and you, considered together, are that Temple. Individually, you have responsibilities, each of you, as a living stone, but in the public worship of God, when we are gathered together like this in the congregation, we are the Temple of God.
This means you should worship God in concert; you must not detach yourself from your brothers and sisters. Do not close in on yourself; do not withdraw. You are here to approach, not to pull back. You are here to approach with others, and not to approach God alone.
Moreover, this Temple is located in the heavenlies. You have come this morning to the great assembly of just men made perfect, and have gathered with myriads of angels. Your worship is added to theirs, your voices combine with theirs, as your worship is offered up to God the Father by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.
Christian worship occurs in the world, but through the ministry and work of the Holy Spirit of God, it is conducted in the heavens. So remember these things as you prepare your hearts and minds.