Not An Escape, But a Cleansing

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This meal is the Wisdom of God. But you do not come here to do things with that Wisdom, but rather so that God’s infinite Wisdom will do things to you. The Wisdom of God is infinite and personal. Only the Spirit of God can plumb the depths of that infinite Wisdom, and that is because the infinite Wisdom is the person of Christ.

When you come to this Table, you are coming to Christ, the Wisdom of God, the amen of God, the fulfillment of every yes from the Father, He whose very nature is yes.

And Wisdom aims at righteousness. We live in a fallen world, and so we are sometimes led astray by counterfeit knockoffs of wisdom—academic and very turgid headiness being one of them. You are not coming here to learn how to theorize in ways detached from the world, but rather to learn how to think about the world in ways that enable you to live in it with righteousness.

Another way of saying this is that you are not communing here in order to be liberated from the flesh. You are not communing in order to detach yourself from the material world. This is not about escaping from the flesh, this is about the sanctification of the flesh. You are not here to eat and drink the Spirit, but rather, in the power of the Spirit, to partake of the body and blood of the Lord Jesus.

That body is not located here on this Table, but rather at the right hand of God the Father in Heaven. So we do not partake of a dead Christ, but rather of the living Christ, and we do it by means of the faith that the Spirit of God generates within us. The Spirit pervades Heaven and earth, and by the gift of faith He gives, He unites us to the Lord’s risen body. This does not erase our bodies, but rather purifies them. And this is all the Wisdom of God, which draws us further and further into His holiness.

So come, and welcome, to Jesus Christ.

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