Not Sent to Dazzle

“The cultivated rhetoric of Hellenistic society was notorious for grabbing center stage, as it were, and losing sight of the primary concern of the message. That this should not happen in Christian preaching was Paul’s main concern in the opening chapters of the first epistle to the Corinthians. In fact, the greatest of Christian preachers, …

And Continues With Gathering Force

“The glory of Zion is revealed with the gathering in of all the nations of the earth and the homage of even the Gentile kings. For Paul Christian preaching is nothing less than the proclamation that this age has come. The Scriptures have been fulfilled” (Hughes Oliphant Old, The Reading and Preaching of the Scriptures, …

Straight Up the Middle

“Today the principle that faith comes by hearing counters the idea that church growth is just a matter of sociology or demographics or something programmed by church administrators. Evangelism is not a matter of psychology and especially not mass psychology. Neither is it a matter of communication techniques or how to win friends and influence …

From the Start

“Jesus was preeminently a preacher of the Word . . . His three-year ministry was above all a preaching ministry. Those who continued his ministry, the apostles, were preeminently preachers as well, as evidenced by the Acts of  the Apostles and the New Testament Epistles. Christianity from its earliest beginnings was a preaching religion” (Hughes …