Sermon Video Introduction: As we examine the Scriptures on this topic, we find that the central duty that Christian offspring have is the duty of honor. This honor has different manifestations ...
How to Be a Christian Kid (1)
Sermon Video Introduction: “Growing up Christian” is a process that revolves around a relationship between people. In most cases, you have the parents on the one hand, and you have the child ...
Brothers and Business Deals
Sermon Video Introduction: By the grace of God, we live in an industrious community of Christians, and it has to be said that this has had a very predictable result. Not unrelated, we are also ...
Honoring God in Personal Finances
Introduction: Martin Luther once said that a man needs to be converted twice. The first conversion is that of his heart, and the second one is of his wallet. What we are going to be addressing here ...
Hard Work and the Sabbath
Sermon Video Introduction: Our elders recently decided that at the beginning of this academic year we were going to have a three-week series of messages on practical Christian living, with different ...
Why “All of Christ for All of Life”?
Sermon Video Introduction: As God has called different ministries to various aspects of His kingdom work in this world, they have often been characterized by different tag lines or summary statements. ...
Cultural Revolution and the Sons of Issachar
Sermon Video Introduction: You have no doubt noticed that we live in tumultuous times. Many of you have learned that you should no longer say things like “now I have seen everything,” because ...
The Anvil and the Hammers
Sermon Video Introduction: This is a message about the trustworthiness of the Scriptures. Many critics have attacked the Word of God over the centuries, and while the Word is still here, they ...
Envy Is As Envy Does
Introduction: One of the more obvious things about our kirker community here in Moscow is that it is growing, and that in remarkable ways. And as we grow, many people are gathering, assembling, arriving, connecting, and hopefully finding houses to live in. But one of the things that always happens in circumstances like this is …
Justice, Liberty, Love
The Authority of Scripture #3: Sermon Video Introduction: At first glance it may appear to us that justice, liberty, and love are three very distinct topics. But if we examine them in the light ...