Discipline as Genuine Love: Sermon Video Introduction: In our message last Lord’s Day, we defined what we mean by the word discipline. Our subject this week is “discipline as genuine love,” ...
Child Discipline in an Age of Therapeutic Goo #4
The Nature of True Discipline: Sermon Video Introduction: The title of this series of messages refers to child discipline. We have come to the point where we need to define that word discipline. ...
Biblical Child Discipline in an Age of Therapeutic Goo (3)
Empathy and the Clowns: Sermon Video Introduction: Many Christian parents are aware of the fact that the outside world is hostile to our faith, and as a consequence it is hostile to the approach ...
Biblical Child Discipline in an Age of Therapeutic Goo (2)
Sermon Video Introduction: In order to work through a series of messages on parenting, it is necessary to pay some attention to the parents themselves. The parents are the ones doing the work, ...
Biblical Child Rearing in an Age of Therapeutic Goo (1)
Sermon Video Introduction: Over the years I have preached on marriage, and family, and child-rearing any number of times. Seeing as I am about to do it again, I need to begin by noting the way ...
Stand Still and See His Salvation
Palm Sunday 2024: Sermon Video Introduction: One of the things that happened in the medieval period was that the church calendar began to get cluttered up with numerous saints’ days and celebrations, ...
Why We Worship on Sunday
Sermon Video Introduction: With a handful of exceptions, Christians are overwhelmingly united in their willingness to worship God on the first day of the week. After all, we have been doing this ...
State of the Church 2024
The Moscow Mood: As you might know by now, the tone coming out of Moscow has gained a little bit of notoriety. For good or ill, this reputation shows no signs of going away, and because you are likely to be fielding questions about it, I thought that it would be good to use our …
The Authority of Gratitude
Sermon Video Introduction: As we have all enjoyed the blessings of a Thanksgiving holiday just a few days ago, I thought it appropriate to spend some time on a little understood aspect of gratitude, ...
How to Be a Christian Kid (3)
Sermon Video Introduction: One of the best ways for a Christian child to honor his father and mother is to surpass them. If a child outgrows his parents in love for Christ, in knowledge of the ...