Introduction: In order to make applications from the text of Scripture to our own lives—which is an essential part of Christian living—it is necessary to identify what features of the biblical narrative or instruction are constant and what features change according to time and circumstance. If you are fighting devils with two horns in one …
Surveying the Text: 2 & 3 John
Introduction: These two epistles are quite distinct, but being from the same author, and being so short, we will consider them together. As it happens, some of the issues raised are intertwined in some interesting ways. The Text: “If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, …
Surveying the Text: 1 John
Introduction: All passages of Scripture must be understood in context, but some by their nature require more contextualization than others. First John is one such book. Without an understanding of the errors it was written to refute, the necessary result is always going to be more error. The Text: “That which was from the beginning, …
Surveying the Text: James
Introduction: This short letter is famous for its instructions on “the tongue,” as well as for its emphasis on practical religion, visiting widow and orphans. There are a number of practical instruction on showing no partiality between rich and poor, as well as a stern warning against envy. What many don’t realize is that these …
Surveying the Text: Hebrews
Introduction: There are seven Old Testament passages quoted in the first chapter of Hebrews alone, and five of those seven passages have to do with the submission of the nations to Christ. That is what the entire book is about—and we are taught this through the author showing us that this is what the entire …
Surveying the Text: 2 Thessalonians
Introduction The second epistle to the Thessalonians was likely written shortly after the first one, in that it was addressing many of the same sorts of issues. This beleaguered church was faced with hostility, was affected by apocalyptic excitement, and also needed to deal with some of her members that were responding to this kind …
Surveying the Text: 1 Thessalonians
Introduction Thessalonica was a principal city in Macedonia, the region that was the home of Philip and the great Alexander. This letter was written around 50 A.D. which would make it, with the exception of Galatians, the earliest record of Paul’s writing. While the Jews in Berea were more noble than the Jews in Thessalonica …
Surveying the Text: 2 Peter
Introduction In his first epistle, Peter is equipping his readers for the persecution that will soon be upon them. In this letter, he is equipping his readers to deal with the problem of licentious false teachers. The Text: “According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, …
Surveying the Text: 1 Peter
Introduction There are three great themes in the epistle of 1 Peter. Those three themes are not unrelated—they tie together harmoniously. As you read through the epistle, meditate on these three things. The three things I have in mind are holy living, suffering, and the meaning of Christian baptism. Keep in mind that this letter …
Surveying the Text: Chronicles
Introduction Like Samuel and Kings, the books of 1 and 2 Chronicles were originally one book. While it covers much of the same material as Kings, the purpose and point of the book is decidedly different. Written over century after Kings, the book covers down to the post-exilic period, where the Jews were faced with …