Book 1/Chapter 13 Miracles (section 13) 1. What is Calvin’s argument from the miracles of Christ? 2. What does he say about the fact that prophets and apostles also did miracles? 3. Is this response satisfying? 4. Would Calvin be willing to say that Christ did miracles because He was miracle? Is this parallel to …
The Eternal Word
Book 1/Chapter 13 The Eternal Word (section 8) 1. How do false teachers undermine the deity of Christ? 2. At what point do they think the Word began? 3. What passage of Scripture does Calvin use to contradict this? Christ our God in the Old Testament (section 9) 1. What is the significance of Psalm …
More on the Trinity
Book 1/Chapter 13 The Limits (section 5) 1. What is the fundamental affirmation about the Trinity which Calvin requires? 2. Have the church fathers spoken on this with one voice? 3. What are the dangers of speaking about this at all? 4. What is the essential attitude of the false teachers? 5. Can someone scruple …
The Trinity and the Language of Scripture
Book I/Chapter 13 God & Reason (section 1) 1. What are two different kinds of errors that arise concerning God’s spiritual and infinite essence? 2. Why does God speak “sparingly” of His essence? 3. How must we not measure God? 4. What does Calvin mean when he says that God “lisps” to us? 5. What …
Latria and Dulia
Book I/Chapter 12 True Religion (section 1) 1. What does the knowledge of God not consist of? 2. What does Calvin hold “religion” to mean? 3. What is the value of religion? 4. Is it enough to concede the supreme honors to God? 5. What does Calvin mean by the “vast throng” surrounding God? Latria …
The Ancient Church Free of Images
Book 1/Chapter 11 Foolish Evasions (section 11) 1. What is the “wily distinction?” 2. Why does it not work? Art (section 12) 1. Is Calvin opposed to art? 2. What may we paint? The Pure Church (section 13) 1. How long was the Church free from images? 2. What images belong in Church? Nicea (section …
Images As Books?
Book I/Chapter 11 Books of the Unlearned (section 5) 1. Who first argued that images are books for the unlearned? 2. What is the problem with this argument? 3. What scriptural passages show this? Contrary Opinions (section 6) 1. Who among the early fathers differed with Gregory’s view? 2. What early church council prohibited images …
What the World Pants After
Book I/Chapter 11 Pictorial Representation (section 1) 1. What does Scripture everywhere contrast God with? 2. What does the world pant after? 3. What corrupts the glory of God? 4. Why were the Greeks “not as bad” as the rest? God’s Being (section 2) 1. What did God make a point of telling the Hebrews …
What Is Enough For Us?
Book I/Chapter 10 The Creator God (section 1) 1. What should it be enough for us to do? The Attributes of God (section 2) 1. What attributes are announced by God’s name? 2. What three things about God are necessary for us to know? Heathen Knowledge (section 3) 1. How can we know that the …
Reining in Fanatics
Book I/Chapter 9 Fanatical appeal (section 1) 1. Why do some abandon Scripture? 2. How can they justify this? What argument do they use? 3. How does Calvin answer this from Paul? The Holy Spirit (section 2) 1. Why do we need a distinguishing mark or test to tell if it is the work of …