Christ and the Virgin Mary

Book 2/Chapter 13 Christ and the Virgin Mary (section 3) 1. According to Calvin, the genealogy in Matthew was whose? 2. Although the male line is the basis for reckoning in the political order, does this exclude women? 3. What does Calvin argue concerning Mary engendering Christ from her seed? True man and sinless (section …

Foolish Speculation?

Book 2/Chapter 12 A necessary Incarnation (section 4)? 1. What “speculation” does Calvin address next? 2. What does Calvin think of those who “leap over these bounds”? Whose mistake is it (section 5)? 1. Who is Calvin addressing in this section? 2. Does Calvin believe that Adam’s fall precedes God’s decree in time? Osiander’s doctrine …

Twinkling Afar Off

Book 2/Chapter 11 Benefits and Punishments as Types (section 3) 1. What did Calvin believe about benefits and punishments in the Old Testament era? 2. What purpose did that serve? The second difference (section 4) 1. What was the second difference between the two testaments? 2. What is the fulfillment of those figures? 3. When …

Differences Between the Testaments

Book 2/Chapter 11 Differences between the Testaments (section 1) 1. How many differences are there between the Old and the New Testaments? 2. What is the first of these differences? 3. How did this differ from what Calvin’s opponents said? Childhood (section 2) 1. Calvin reapplies an image that Paul used in Galatians. What is …

More Than a Full Belly

Book 2/Chapter 10 The hope of the godly (section 17) 1. How often did Calvin believe that promises of blessedness were fulfilled in this life for Old Testament saints? 2. Did this cause these saints to despair of the fulfillment? The flip side (section 18) 1. Did the wicked ever receive “blessings” in this life? …