As many of You are aware, some of our local adversaries have officially complained about the worship service we will be having at the Kibbie Dome just before the Trinity Festival. Their complaint centers on the fact that we will be serving alcohol to minors. For some years, we have been teaching you that our …
Holy Warfare
Worship is warfare. Throughout the Bible we learn the lesson that when the people of God worship rightly, their enemies give way before them. When they worship according to their own wisdom, they are prevailed against. Look around, and consider the condition of the church today. Nothing is more apparent than the fact that we …
Judas At the Table
St. Paul tells us that our Lord instituted the Supper on the night He was betrayed. The indications from the gospels are that He served the elements of that Supper to his betrayer, Judas, who was already under the influence of Satan himself. And Jesus knew this. At the first celebration of this Supper – …
More and More
Our congregation continues to grow, which can only be a problem if we cease to grow in love. Paul tells the Thessalonians that their love for the brethren throughout Macedonia was highly spoken of. But this, for Paul, was inadequate. He wanted them to love “more and more.” You are loving congregation, but far from …
What Grace Prepared
We are gathered here to eat the Lord’s Supper, not our own suppers. We all have homes of our own, and kitchens in them, and dining rooms. We have left behind our own food. This is not because we are ungrateful for it, but rather because we know that our food is not the food …
Marriage As Manifest Glory XXVIII
INTRODUCTION: We come now to the question of “what headship is not.” It is not enough for us to use the biblical words and phrases, we must know what they mean in Scripture. THE TEXTS: “Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind …
Six Day Foundation
Our Lord and God, we call upon You now, asking You to bless us as we bless and magnify Your name. You have summoned us, gathered us, called us, and as a consequence we cry out to You. You have established the seasons, You have established the pattern of the week, with one day of …
Marriage as Manifest Glory XXVII
INTRODUCTION: The usually cynical Ambrose Bierce defined a widow in this way: “A pathetic figure that the Christian world has agreed to take humorously, although Christ’s tenderness towards widows was one of the most marked features of his character.” James tells us that pure and undefiled religion involves visiting widows (Jas. 1:27), and a moment’s …
Just Come
Because the Lord’s Supper is a covenant meal, it may be abused. It is a covenant Supper, not a magic Supper. In the history of the Church, tragically, abuse has happened often. Paul says here that it is possible for the Supper to do more harm than good. He says that when the Corinthians came …
Real Presence
We want to affirm the presence of the Lord here with us now, and this presence is truly a real presence. We do not want to say it is an absence — a mere memorial — and neither do we say it is an etheral, spiritualized presence, or that it is simply a raw material …