The message this last Lord’s Day was on ambition.
Christ and Pizza
Frank Turk poses a question that I would like to take just a moment to answer. From his neo-Niebuhrian list, the answer is clearly #3, for the following (briefly stated) reasons. If Christ is not above pizza, then why to do we bow our heads over it to thank God for it in His name? …
Should Be Fixed Now
Another techie announcement, if you don’t mind. We believe the posting problems that some of you have encountered are now fixed. Many thanks to those who wrote in to let us know that they were having trouble, and many thanks to Keith, who fixed it. You are now invited to have a try and see …
Get Your Dibbies In
I am pleased to note that the online debate that Christopher Hitchens and I had over at Christianity Today is now going to appear as a small book. Many thanks to CT for sponsoring that thing in the first place, and to Canon Press for the fine work they have been doing in putting this …
Father Hunger
This year our Christ Church ministerial conference is going to be in the Houston area. We will continue to have it in Moscow normally, but this year we moved it to accommodate the CREC Council/Presbyteries that will be meeting that same week in Texas. The topic — Father Hunger — is one that we believe …
And Throwing Elbows
Yesterday the sermon was on competition.
More Leepike News
Nate’s first book with Random House was Leepike Ridge, and they are due to release it in paperback this July. The cost in this go-round will be $6.99. New cover too.
Wet Sand
I am preaching a brief series on desire, envy, competition, and ambition. Entitled “Heavier Than Wet Sand,” yesterday was on envy.
Way Fun
All right, everybody, here we go. Canon Press is in the process of uploading their titles to googlebooks, and the process has been completed for twenty-three of them. Give us a few months, and the rest of the catalog will be uploaded. Many publishers just have a portion of the book available, but with these …
Nate in Boise
For our friends in the Boise area, Nate was recently added as a participant in a children’s lit festival, sponsored by Rediscovered Bookshop. There will be various events that Nate will be participating in that will be open to the public, with varying kinds of registration required. You can get more information here. There will …