Lord willing, I will be in Dallas this Friday night at the Christian Book Expo. There will be a special pre-screening of the documentary Collision there, both Friday and Saturday evenings at 9 pm. Both Christopher and I will be available to sign books on Friday, and will participate in a panel discussion on Saturday …
The Power of Naming
I want to begin this review of Dandelion Fire by acknowledging at the outset that I am not an objective reviewer. Fathers of writers who produce works of genius are really up a creek. What are they supposed to do? Pretend like nothing happened? Dandelion Fire is the second book in the cupboards triology, 100 …
Canon Press Garage Sale
Follow this link to a garage sale out back of Canon Press. A number of titles are there for five clams only.
Canon Press Audio Has Been Cooking With Propane
The worker bees in Canon Press Audio have been industrious. Here are some new options for you. The first are books on audio, followed by some talks and messages. You can click on the images to get to a place where a very reasonable amount will be charged to your credit card.
Start With the Basics
I am pleased to be able to comment on (and commend) Voddie Baucham’s new book, What He Must Be If He Wants to Marry My Daughter. In his introduction, Baucham rightly links family issues to reformation and revival. For far too long, we have left theology to the theology wonks and relationships to the relational …
Last Call
Nate is finishing up his book tour today in Dayton, Ohio. He will be at BOOKS & CO. at 7 pip emma. The address is: The Greene, 4453 Walnut Street, Dayton, OH. Meantime, here is another fun interview, along with a story about an entire town that is reading Nate’s Leepike Ridge.
Liberal Arts Education in a Recession
Here a few thoughts for those of you who have been considering New St. Andrews College, but who have also been wondering about the uncertainties created by the economic moon crater we are now living in. Here are just a few additional considerations to put in the hopper. 1. This problem has revealed, as few …
Spring Cleaning Conference
For those in the Spokane or Coeur d’Alene area this April, you might want to take note of this conference.
Hey, Get a Load of This
Here is a new web site worth checking out.
Dandelion Tour
Dandelion Fire is due to release, oh, any minute now, and I have a couple of fun items to share in line with that. First, a very fine interview with Nate on what lies behind his fiction can be found here. And also Nate is doing a short tour in conjunction with the book’s release. …