In the beginning are the words. Behind and underneath every civilization are the foundational words. Those words can be false and idolatrous, but when they are believed, they still serve in a foundational way. When they are not believed, that culture has entered a sacrificial crisis. Smoke still ascends from their temples, but no one …
Kicking One of the Sacred Geese
It should not be surprising that after I have urged the establishment of a mere Christendom for some time, that questions about the First Amendment might arise. It would appear that I am trespassing on the sacred precincts. It would seem that I am strolling across the manicured lawns of the Temple grounds, in order …
Carving Up a Bowl of Soup
When societies fall apart, they do not do so in an orderly manner. When God strikes a people with a judicial stupor, the result is not a feast of reason and flow of soul. “For the LORD hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes: the prophets and …
Very Little Stones
So I have said more than once that secularism is on its last legs. Where do I get off saying that? Why that pronouncement? There are a number of ways this argument can be made, but allow me to point to just a couple. These indicators are not my own private claim to be able …
Three-Foot-Long Cockroaches
Behind the idea of Christendom is the matter of interpretive filters for your history. When it comes to evaluating whether things are getting better, whether they are staying the same, or getting worse, we will make that call in the grip of our foundational assumptions. Under the category of staying the same, we would also …
Facing Up the Down Escalator
Let us begin with a simple categorization. Technology is a form of wealth. Progress is a form of wealth. This helps us get our bearings as Christians, because we should now know what to watch out for. If we were to look up “technology” in a concordance, we would find that the Bible teaches us …
As Sort of a Globo-Joke
The attendance of Constantine at the Council of Nicea was striking, but more striking than that was the existence of such a subversive council in the first place, and with an emperor’s knowledge and blessing. More about that in a moment. It is often said that in his conversion Constantine was only seeking a unifying …
A Different Kind of Spine
The proposed Ground Zero mosque provides us with a wonderful case study of public square issues, and of the great need for a new Christendom. And since the opportunities in this situation to gain wisdom are enormous, it is not surprising that just about everybody is refusing to do so. The “hallowed ground” meme has, …
This Approach, Wise I Don’t Think
I like Hugh Hewitt. I have enjoyed one of his books, and his web site is a good go-to place for a discussion of some of the nuts and bolts of the political battles we are in. He does good work. But . . . But here is an example of why my concerns (expressed …
A Shoe Box in the Attic
In the previous mere Christendom thread, an important question was asked about my willingness to work together with secularist conservatives in pursuit of shared “common sense” goals. And the answer is that I would be fully willing, sure — if the secularists get spooked at the size of the national deficit, and turn off the …