On the Rounded Upper Part

Alan Jacobs asks a question here that he does not answer. That question concerns whether he is a conservative or not. “So is there any sense in which I might plausibly be called a conservative? I don’t really know; I’ll leave that to others to decide.” With such a kind invitation, how could I turn …

The Limitations of Kitten Hugging

Whenever you propose something, as I propose a return to mere Christendom, one of the natural objections people raise is the objection of trajectories — as in, “that’s all very well, but what might this lead to next?” Given this sinfulness of this world, and the genius we have for corrupting everything we touch, this …

Cathedrals of the New Foundation

In the past, it is true, I have occasionally written positive things about generally despised groups. I have done this with the medievals, with the Puritans, and even for some aspects of the Confederacy. Given this propensity of mine, was it not just a matter of time before I would come out to praise some …

Deep Theology, Man

First, read this. After  you have done so, then you may read what follows. The two cash quotes are these: “Note that “faithfulness to Scriptures” involves politics, the arts and sciences, and movies. Note as well that Leithart himself has defended the political theology of Constantine precisely because it is a worthy alternative to secularity. …

Red State Incarnationalist

There are a number of reasons why Christians are reluctant to bring their ideas down out of the realm of ethereal abstractions. One of those reasons is that to do so requires us to take responsibiltiy. Another reason is that taking responsibility brings us into conflict. In short, we can’t come down from the heights …

In Defense of Blasphemy Codes

In one sense, defending blasphemy codes is the easiest thing in the world. All you have to do is demonstrate how everybody has them — you can defend them because everybody defends them. Blasphemy codes are inescapable — it not whether a society outlaws blasphemy, but rather which patterns of speech will be considered blasphemy. …

Hey, This Knife Cuts in Two Directions!

Suppose the point were to be made — and it is a worthy point to make — that being a Christian trumps being an American. This is a point with which I am in whole-hearted agreement, and which I have made in this place numerous times. A conservative Republican believer in Jesus has far more …

Douglas the Dogmaton?

A few distinctions still remain to be made in our discussion of authoritative proclamation. A friend has reminded me that we need to bring another issue to the surface, which is the nature of claims of authority (implicit in authoritative claims) over against claims of infallibility. And this whole subject is actually trickier than it …