Not Yet Time to Turn the Paige: Re: Paige Patterson at Colonus Splendid post, Doug: moderate, discerning and on-the-nose scripturally. I had previously read all the links you posted in the process of sorting through the accusations myself, and came to the conclusion that it seemed awfully early in the consideration process to come to …
Letters Largely About Les (Swing and a) Mis
Les Miss: The book/play is set in France in 1832, not the French Revolution Era of 1789-99. The war aspect of the play serves as a foil background to develop the main character, Jean Valjean. It truly puzzles me that one could zoom in so closely on this minor rebellion sub-plot and say that it …
Those Letters Keep Coming
The Liberalism is Not in Remission Yet Pastor Doug, have you seen this? Thoughts? I find it ironic since from the contact I have with people in local SBC churches, liberalism is far from having been defeated. Amanda Amanda, I thought that article was outstanding, and on point. I like Al Mohler a great …
Letters on the Half Shell
Cancer News: Praise God!! Wonderful news!! Laura Laura, thank you and thank the Lord. We thought so too. If you keep writing posts that funny I’m going to start hoping you keep getting cancer. I’ll try not to. That was hilarious! Steven Steven, don’t be drawing the wrong applications or life lessons here . . …
Letters Have In Fact Arrived
The Demeanor of Calvinism: I am very much in your debt for introducing me to C.S. Lewis’ English Literature in the 16th Century. The section from which you quote (pages 32-46) is one of the best pieces of historical writing that I have read. The awkward part, though, is that, when read in full, Lewis …
Irish Setters Write Few Letters
The Economics of Sex: Absolutely young women (and older ones as well) should run an inventory on how biblical their standards are. If their standards are what the law allows them, in which case alpha male or beta male hardly matters anymore, then they are collaborators and not the resistance. Let’s not deceive young men …
Talk Back Tuesday
Marry Young, I Say: So . . . that’s why the average godly guy should be married by the time he is 23! You said it even better this time, Wilson! Hang in there gals! I expect some decent guys might get the right idea after this post! Jason Will you say anything to young …
Thabiti Tuesday
Thanksgiving: First, thanks to all of you who have overwhelmed us with your well-wishes, thoughts and prayers. You have done that here, on Messenger, via text, and email. A number of you have probably done it on social media platforms I have never heard of, and where I have therefore stored up countless unread messages. …
Letters Feature Postponed a Week
Because things are hopping, and there is much to write about, and I wanted to respond (briefly) to Thabiti’s rejoinder, the much beloved letters feature is going to appear next Tuesday instead of this Tuesday. Unless something else happens.
Letters on Dalrock, Tolkien, Privilege, and More
The Problem Wasn’t the Necktie: “Then why is the spirit of the age standing on your necktie?” Hmmmmm. When was the last time I even wore a tie? Well, at any rate, it wasn’t at any stinking guilt fest! ; – ) Adad Adad, yes, guilt-fests are a problem. I think we should start calling …