So Sorry for Posting Late. Kinda Busy. Leave Me Alone.

Housekeeping: Greetings, Not addressing any particular post, rather a technical question—in my quest to get away from social media I’ve started using an RSS reader to keep up with sites that I follow. I distinctly recall seeing an RSS feed for this site in the past but cannot find it at this time; is the …

Letters and Letters Galore and More

Theocracy n’Stuff: Well put, Pastor Doug, especially your conclusion: “God is being kind to us, and He is doing it in such a way as to preclude boasting on our part.” The word picture you created in your prior post along these same lines about no conservative Christian wanting to be photographed with Pres Trump …

People Love Writing Tomes About Theocracy

Russell Moore & Theocracy: Sir, I read Russell Moore’s article regarding theocracy that you linked to, and I am a bit aghast. How can anyone who has read the Bible make any such blanket and universal condemnation against theocracy in any and every form (i.e., his critique “also is true of every theocracy.”)? Does Mr. …

Letters From All Over Tarnation

The Bitterness Juke: Sometimes we preach the thing we most need to hear.  And how often we think it’s ‘just the other guy!’ In a recent post you mention bitterness. I wholeheartedly agree that it’s important to be free from bitterness. But here’s my concern: it seems that some of this ‘bitterness’ talk in our circles is, …

Lotsa Letters

Flags Out Front: This brief reply has to do with the novel Flags Out Front. What an excellent concept for a novel. I have proclaimed for years that the US flag has no authority over the Christian flag to fly above it, let alone fly in the sanctuary of the Lord, as these flags represent …

Today is Tuesday. You Know What That Means.

The Eternal State: Re: “The New Jerusalem” This is compelling. If Revelation 21-22 explain what the bride of Christ looks like, does the Bible explain what things will look like after the return of Christ? Sure, God desires righteousness and justice, and the new heavens and earth would look like that, but it does seem …

Open Thread Tuesday. Not Troll Tuesday at All.

Alabama Senate Race: Re: Hot take on the Alabama Senate election of Dec. 12. You are making the child molestation allegations against Roy Moore the center of the issue. They are nothing of the kind. The allegations should have played exactly the same role in this election as the Access Hollywood tape played in the …