Letter to the Editor: How is Twitter, Facebook, and so on private companies if they are publicly traded? Would love some insight on this . . . Cortney -- Doug responds: ...
Letters From the Brink
I love how God tells jokes for century after century, evenwhen nobody is paying attention . . . Letter to the Editor: I just noticed that the word 'Canon' looks a lot like 'Qanon'. ...
Letters From the Brink
Kind of a brutal talent show, if you ask me. Letter to the Editor: Sir, can you please unpack the 1992 costume party blackface reference? Thank you. Trey A -- Doug ...
Despite an Obvious Opportunity to Do Better in 2021, We Still Haven’t Fixed the Letters Problem
Letter to the Editor: "This is normally just a formality, but this time it will include ratifying that greasy black cloud hovering over Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Arizona. " I just ...
Last Letters of This Misbegotten Year. Try to Be More Upbeat Next Year.
Letter to the Editor: In the next couple weeks, as we enter a new year of craziness, would you write something about how postmil thinking can help give us hope & direction in times of ...
Letters on Masks Haven’t Gone Away. Sort of like the Masks Themselves.
Now see? This is why your Christmas cookies are allcrumbly. Letter to the Editor: New mask study. Jeff -- Doug responds: Jeff, thanks very much. Masks have become ...
Letters That Put the Lips in Apocalypse
Letter to the Editor: RE: Reflections on a Pig’s Breakfast Presidential Maneuver - You conclude with "The one thing I will say now is that it will have ramifications for politics, but it ...
Letters About All These Bog Plosts
Letter to the Editor: I greatly appreciate your ministry and have been blessed for years by your incisive analysis. I write out of concern for your comments on election fraud, which are uncharacteristically ...
If Letters Were Bottles
Letter to the Editor: The Trump people appealed their case to the Fed. Appellate Court in Penn. The judge, a Trump appointee wrote: "Charges of unfairness are serious. But calling ...
Letters About Those Votangelos
Letter to the Editor: My wife forwarded your article today. I thought you were correct in your assessments. Although, when you asked rhetorically if anyone could name an institution which ...