Letter to the Editor: I was wondering if you are familiar with cognitive dissonance theory. I had heard of it, and just recently heard an argument that the New Testament writers followed ...
The Almost Christmas 2022 Letters
Letter to the Editor: I am working on a sermon on idolatry and remember you recommending Schlossberg’s “Idols for Destruction” on your Plodcast, along with another book on idolatry. ...
Someone Said, Not Sure Who, Let’s Have Some Letters
Special Notice: The letters feature will probably be a little thin this morning. Few things are as important as attending to your letters, but going off to meet my latest grandchild, just lately arrived, ...
Snowy Letters for a Snowy Day
Letter to the Editor: Re: Two Corrections Could not the unicorn in Job be the following: Elasmotherium AKA “Siberian unicorn”? Ian -- Doug responds: Ian, yes, that ...
A Letter, and Then After That, Some Others
First, an update: Thomas Achord has acknowledged the tweets as being his, and his statement is here. And Stephen Wolfe has a series of statements on it he re. For my own part, I thought that Achord's ...
Always Good to Get Letters From You Guys
Letter to the Editor: Do you believe that all of the Baptized posses the grace of justification, adoption, and the forgiveness of sins, and as such can *lose* that grace if they do ...
Mid November Letters, With a Chance of Rain
Letter to the Editor: What with the recent Dave Chappelle bit on SNL, you sure picked the wrong week to mock people who've (((noticed))). Like the man said: 'When it's blacks, it's ...
Letters Come and Go, But Mostly Come
Letter to the Editor: Thank you for writing this particular blog topic. The subject is one of the myriad of topics that most churches seem unwilling to confront openly. As a woman, I understand ...
Letters for a NQN Eve
Letter to the Editor: Re: Make Definitions Great Again Dear Doug, Grateful for defining terms ahead of a season of no quarter, which I hope and trust shall yield many righteous and witty ...
Despite Our Best Efforts, Letters Still Arrived
Letter to the Editor: Has it really been four years since that piece on Horror to which I responded? Having a large batch of children is like stepping into a time acceleration machine. As ...