Burning Daylight

“Work has consequences. Laziness also has consequences, because God gave us the ultimate ‘gold standard’ called time, and everyone has exactly the same amount of it. It is a resource the government cannot print . . . Laziness is a destroyer. But how can it be, when it didn’t touch anything, when it didn’t consume anything? The problem is that it did consume something—it burned a lot of daylight”

Ploductivity, p. 14

The Goodness of Work

“One of the first things we must recognize is that work does not exist in the world because of the Fall. Work got a lot more difficult because of our sin, and do labor under the ramifications of a curse. But God gave the cultural mandate to mankind, a mandate which involved an enormous amount of work, before the entrance of sin.”

Ploductivity, p. 13

The Spirituality of Toes

“We assume the center when we are filled with the Spirit, and when He flows out of us. The Spirit is the center. This happens using physical things. Spiritual does not just mean like a spirit. Spiritual also means obedient. When we offer our bodies rightly, it is our spiritual worship (Rom. 12:1-2). The devil is a spirit who is unspiritual in this sense, and you have ten toes, which can be spiritual—if they are shod with the gospel of peace”

Let the Stones Cry Out, p. 17

Tools as Wealth

Technology is therefore a form of wealth. The reason this is important is because the Bible says very little about technology as such, but it gives us a great deal of blunt and pointed teaching on the subject of wealth. If we learn how to deal with wealth scripturally, then we will have learned how to deal with technology. This also makes it obvious that these problems are not new problems at all”

Ploductivity, p. 11

A Larger Book Allowance, Yay!

“Some preachers are always preaching the last book which they have read, and their congregations always find it out. The feeling of superficialness and thinness attaches to all they do . . . If I am right in this idea, then it will follow that the preacher’s life must be a life of large accumulation”

Phillips Brooks, The Joy of Preaching, p. 122