Other Saving Graces

“The kind of faith that God gives as a gift is always alive . . . when God has done this wonderful work, the faithful instrument does not shrivel up and die. It continues to love God and obey Him . . . Faith without works is a dead faith, and a dead faith never justified anybody. Saving faith is every accompanied by all other saving graces.”

“Reformed” Is Not Enough, p. 46

Growth Both Changes and Doesn’t

“Hidebound tradition and spontaneous innovation do not go together, but there is another combination which does. We desire to see the Church reformed—zeal for novelty is a sinful desire. Our deep desire should be to walk in the old paths in the right way. But we also desire to see her always reforming—Jesus taught us that faithfulness is the basis for godly originality and not some spark of ‘creativity’ (Matt. 13:52). When a tree grows, it is not innovating. But it is not dead either.”

“Reformed” Is Not Enough, p. 31

God Is Always God

“In no way am I backing away from high-octane Calvinism. There will be things written later in this book which may look as though this is happening, but the reader should be assured that it is not. The point of this section has been to establish foundational Calvinistic bona fides. Doctrinal prejudice may still refuse to see how the harmonization works, but the harmonization is still there

“Reformed” Is Not Enough, pp. 30-31