“What does the alternative do, the pessimistic frame of mind? If your worldview could be summed up with ‘where are we going, and why am I in this hand basket?’ the end result will necessarily be a certain wariness, an expectation that Murphy’s Law will govern everything. If something can do wrong, it will—in the sacraments, in admitting young children to the table, in teaching Christians from the law, in having a high view of the church, and so on. A hermeneutic of suspicion gets into everything.”
Invisible and Eschatological
“Exactly. The entire company of the elect, the whole number of them, invisible now to everyone but God alone, will be made manifest to everyone at the eschaton, and that church will be without spot or wrinkle or any other blemish. And that eschatological church I define as the ‘whole number of the elect.’”
FV Haiku
“Big books full of words,
Blogs earnestly publishing
Their crinkum crankum.”
A Solemn Duty
“As the pressure to expand our ecumenical cooking increases, there needs to be an assistant to the prophet (me), looking over the rim of the kettle in which we are cooking our ecumenical stew, whose job it is to cry out, ‘There is death in the pot!’”
A Robust Cossack
“I am not being attacked because I deny sola gratia and sola fide. I affirm them, and with about the same amount of enthusiasm as a Cossack dancing.”
Honest Subscription
“Strict subscription does not uphold the Westminster Confession. It is a flagrant denial of it. Synods and councils have erred, and do err, including this one, chump. Loose subscription is no help either. What good is a fence around the vegetable garden of truth that makes sure they are holes every ten feet big enough for the average erroneous rabbit? But there is an alternative to strict subscription, which necessarily elevates the Confession to the level of Scripture, and loose subscription, which lowers the Confession to the level of the 9th and 10th amendments to the U.S Constitution. This alternative is called honest subscription.”
The Original Arabic
“They can also differ in the adverb—how do you conserve things? One kind of conservative tries to do this woodenly. He doesn’t want anything to change, period, and so he insists that every candidate at presbytery take a vow to uphold the original Westminster in exactly the form it came down from Allah in the original Arabic. But the mushy liberals are no better. They want candidates to appear at presbytery like they were guests on Oprah. ‘Tell us what the Westminster Confession has meant to you in times of trouble.’”
Well, Yes, There’s That
“They will perhaps add that this is why nobody wants to debate you. You keep getting off the point, which is that you are a heretic, and keep gravitating to extraneous material, like how the early Reformed fathers made almost all the same points you guys are making.”
Did My Part
“This salvation, a sheer gift of nothing but grace, bring with it forgiveness for my sins, everlasting righteousness, and salvation. This is all done through Christ’s work of obedience alone. In the work of salvation, Christ did His part and I did mine. He did the saving, and I got in the way.”
A Pointed Allegation
“It is alleged that we might know what the Heidelberg Catechism says, but we don’t really believe it, as opposed to those true souls elsewhere who believe it, but don’t know what it says.”