“But we moderns have little interest in such redemptions or their results because the Church in our era is slack and effeminate. We do not look at an unbounded northern sky and by analogy see the eternity of God; rather, we look mystically inward to the swamps and standing puddles of our own hearts and …
Finite Limitations
“No created intellect can conceive of a single word suitable for God’s most infinite and simple essence. Any word we use to describe God will quickly fall to the ground exhausted–like us, our words fall short of the glory of God. But this does not mean that the use of such words is pointless. We …
Smaller Words?
“Words like sovereign, almighty, omnipotent are thought to be too restrictive–they are too tiny to express truth about God fully. This is quite right; they are too small, but the solution is certainly not to be found by opting for smaller words” (AIA, p. 37).
“The only possible conclusion is that the Church has forgotten the holiness of her God. He alone is true, and He alone is good. If we understood this, we would understand how beautiful His holiness is, and we could not be kept from writing concertos and building cathedrals. As it is, we are content with …