Because Information Is Spiritual

“But atheism requires an evolutionary explanation every bit as much as religious conviction does. And that explanation cannot appeal to the correspondence of the chemical reactions in the head to the events of the outside world — what a contrived business that would be. Given atheistic principles, we have no reason to assign any truth …

And What a Surprise It Was . . .

“Here I sit, Christian convictions bouncing around in my head, and Dawkins knows that this requires an explanation. Why have millions of years of evolutionary selection given us Arkansas Methodists, Brooklyn Jews, Saudi Muslims, and so on, ad infinitum? But in this book, the one set of convictions that requires no explanation at all would …

The Explanatory Power of Explosions

“A factory, for example, full of fantastically complex machinery and robots for the manufacturing of various ingenious devices of intricate design, is something that cannot itself be designed. For when confronted with a world full of designed things, it is not unscientific to allow that many of them were in fact designed, so long as …

Any Kind of Fight

“Some Christians, reacting to panicked flame-throwing of fearful fellow Christians, have opted for the opposite error. Tepid, balanced, irenic, and boring, they follow in the steps of the Master, as conceived by effeminate painters of the Victorian era — their caricature of Jesus could have done advertisements for Clairol. For such Christians, any kind of …