Inverted Pride

Paul tells us in Ephesians that no man ever hated himself. But at first glance, this might seem counterintuitive to some, especially in this age of self-absorption. Can we really say this about someone who is consistently depressed, filled with self-loathing? Or assert that a suicide really loves himself? Why could we not say that …

East and West

The late Richard Weaver hated the title of his book, Ideas Have Consequences. That is unfortunate because the title is outstanding, and carries a wealth of theology in three simple words. Ideas have very pointed consequences, and very particular destinations. One of the best illustrations of this is the profound differences that have developed between …

Let Us Feed Cheesecake to our Horses

The famous story tells of the minister who wrote in the margin of his notes, “Argument weak. Shout here.” Whenever anyone is unalterably attached to a position, and that position is wrong, there is always a strong temptation to shout. Moreover, the sillier a position gets, the more shouting is required to keep people from …

Now That’s Cool

What’s needed around here is a good definition of the word cool. We all know what is intended whenever we encounter it in a sentence, but a clear understanding nevertheless remains elusive. One individual is successfully cool. Another makes the attempt, with tragic results, and even a lowly junior high student knows to roll his …