My commitment to not vote McCain is rock solid. I shall not be moved. My vision is clear, and my reasons have been marshalled. I am confident in how I have worked through this, and my sleep is untroubled. And then Brian McLaren goes and does this . . . HT: Justin Taylor
Constantine’s Real Mistake
Just a quick note on Christ and Christendom, and some of our current political snarls. In my political writing, I have made no secret of my yearning for a Christendom 2.0. This means that I believe the conversion of Constantine was a decided improvement over what had been going on before. This does not mean …
Georgia On My Mind
Since the Russian tanks began to roll into Georgia, I have been mulling it over, reading about it, and wanted to offer just a few cautions. As fun as it might be to have the Russians for enemies again, right back in the psychic spot they occupied my entire childhood, the snarl over there ain’t …
A Tsunami of Malice
Democracy is, as the fellow said, two coyotes and a sheep voting on what to have for lunch. But if the sheep is the rich guy, then the parable needs to be expanded. In the global economy, sheep can always move assets offshore, and you know, this metaphor is getting away from me. The point …
Envy Looks Uphill
The post before last, I wrote on the institutionalization of envy, and thought I needed to address a reasonable question that may have arisen in the minds of some. In the first post, I made some reference to the situation that might cause this question — I wrote how hard it is for many for …
What Happened When I Ran Some Numbers on Envy
Some time ago I figured out a way for churches to get a general idea of whether or not their congregations are tithing congregations. I think I mentioned that already in some post or other. We have pretty good numbers on what the average income level is across the United States, and it is fairly …
Voting As Civil Sacrament and the Case Against McCain
Consider this a short statement from a Christian and a conservative on why he is not going to vote for John McCain. If it comes out clearly, then there you go. If it doesn’t, which it easily might not, then I will no doubt have to follow up with further explanations — all offered while …
Pretty Funny
Appalled or Disgusted
I haven’t commented on the presidential campaign in a bit, and now that Obama is over in the Holy Land — I can’t quite make out what he is doing there, but piecing together reports from the media accompanying him, I think he has been walking on the Sea of Galilee — let me offer …
Fully Qualified
I was watching Barack Obama talking about something or other on the news tonight, and two things struck me about it. First, given the history that America has with race issues, the fact that Barack could be occupying the position he occupies right now is really remarkable. And the second thought is the reason for …