Heh . . .
The Cafeteria at Democracy Junior High
We are one week out from an important election, and from all appearances, it looks to be a rambunctious one. By rambunctious, I mean that the airspace of the cafeteria here at Democracy Junior High will be full of rolls, pats of butter, jello cups, and the occasional green bean. With that in mind, here …
More of a Restraining Order Than Anything Else
I find it quite striking that as the streets of France are full of people demanding a continuation of their entitlements, the streets of America are full of people demanding that the government knock it off with the entitlements. There are inconsistencies and exceptions everywhere, of course, but the big picture provides a marked contrast. …
Huh, Sez I
Here in Latah County, a fine Christian gentleman named Gresham Bouma is running for the Idaho State Senate. The previous occupant of that seat was RINO, one whom Gesham bumped off in the primary. Now generally we are kind of a blue dot region in red state Idaho, and so our official representatives in the …
A Tea Party Pivot
Some have commented on the fact that the Republican Pledge to America did little more than tip the hat to what are called the “social issues.” I am less inclined than others to complain about that in itself — you can’t talk about everything all the time. But the omission nevertheless illustrates the true nature …
The Liberal Trope Armory
Perhaps you are familiar with the distinction between a politician and a statesmen, that distinction being that the politician is still living, and the statesman is now dead. And, as the fellow said, what this generation needs is more statesmen! What I am about to say should not be taken as reflecting any kind of …
That Car Slides
As a result of the Tea Party success in Delaware, different mainstream conservatives like Charles Krauthammer have resurrected the Buckley rule of political activism, to wit, that we should all support the most rightward candidate who is electable. This was the conventional wisdom with regard to the primary campaign between Mike Castle and Christine O’ …
Sarah Palin and the Narrative Arc
Political campaigns are like a jumble of improv artists crowded onto a stage, with two or three directors working with two or three competing scripts. When the audience walks away thinking that they saw “that play,” and not “the other one,” then the relevant director wins. I actually used to do something like that as …
Republicans As Abusive Former Boyfriend
So, then, it appears that the electorate remains surly. And it also appears that the unpleasantness is being manifested by means of internecine conflict within the Republican party, at least to this point. The old guard politicos are, to use the technical jargon, freaking out. The most striking example of this was the defeat of …
Warholian Christians
There are, of course, some observations to be made from the Koran burning in Florida on Saturday. But for the farce to be given full justice, we really need more time. That limitation confessed right up front, here are just a few thoughts. The first point is that Andy Warhol lives. The media response to …