Here are two more things for us to think about for the next four years. And by “think about” I mean “learn more a lot more about.” The first thing is to learn how narratives are formed and sustained. The night of the election, Nancy and I went to a production of Annie (that one …
Patron Saint of Bipartisanship
A central issue for us as Americans in the aftermath is found in the prophet Jeremiah: “An astonishing and horrible thing has been committed in the land: The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests rule by their own power; and My people love to have it so. But what will you do in the end?” …
Seven Post Mortem Principles
1. The first principle is not just that Jesus is Lord. That wonderful phrase is our foundational confession; it is not simply a sweet sentiment to tide us over until the sweet by and by. Rather we must say that Jesus is the Lord of history, and so He is the one who gave this …
Okay Then . . .
1. Blech. 2. The first thing to get out of the way has to do with my punditry prowess. In a prior post I committed to returning my diploma to the East Toad Flats School of Punditry and Tire Center and, good to my word, I have done so. The bad news is that they …
One More Thing . . .
It is Election Eve, and there is one more thing I really ought to say — one more thing I need to put on the line. If my wild surmise is incorrect, and Romney does not carry the election handily, then what shall I do? I hereby promise to return my diploma from the East …
Final Election Round-Up
Here is your final political round-up before the Zombie Apocalypse next Tuesday. My friend Kevin Swanson makes some important points here, and I will wait for you until you get back. In the midst of that post, he notes the following facts concerning the cancerous growth of the state, under both Republicans and Democrats. Annualized …
The Benghazi Bungles
I have followed the Benghazi story generally but have not said much about it to date here in this space. But as more and more information comes out about it, the debacle appears to be either evil and high cyncism that got caught in the act, or it is the result of a staggering incompetence,. …
Quite a Meme Fest Going On
And there are many more here . . .
Son of Bork
Yesterday I tweeted that Obama’s big challenge is this: “The chief tactical challenge for Obama is this: arguing for a second term without looking like he is arguing for a second chance. #please” My friend Frank Turk responded with a challenge. “@douglaswils well, as someone on-record as not being willing to vote for Romney, you …
No Mandate for Either One
The presidential election, of course, has the capacity to be a disaster on wheels, either way it goes. But let me sketch a quick scenario in which it could be a good thing — either way. One of my assumptions in this thought experiment is that in the gubernatorial races, in the Senate races, and …