Let’s begin by acknowledging that nominal allegiance to Jesus Christ is good for nothing, and that Christian In Name Only is no better than any other kind of -INO. The demands of Jesus Christ are total, and this means that radical discipleship is the only option open to those who want to walk in obedience. …
Actual Thugs
It is not too soon to begin referring to the Obama regime as scandal-ridden. But what does this mean? I was amazed at Obama’s first election, amazed that more people didn’t see through him. His gauzy promises, his tip-tilted nose, his serene arrogance, were all a sight for the prescient gobsmacked to behold. And then …
Principles of War in Culture War
Principles that govern every form of conflict are constant in all possible scenarioes. The need for mobility, surprise, etc. will never fade away. But weapons and tactics are not constant — rocks, bows, guns, triremes, torpedoes, etc. vary from era to era, and war to war. Electronic countermeasures played no role whatever in the battle …
A Deeply Flawed Human Being
One of the first things a reformer has got to get used to is the experience of being despised and unpopular. Societies do awful things (that which needs to be reformed) because they want to, and the reformer is the one beckoning them to a state of affairs that they don’t much want. “You shall …
Backpacks From the Sky
When you get to the crazy part, it is important to remember that nothing will make much sense. If sin made any real sense, it wouldn’t be sin. If being struck with a judicial stupor and blindness helped you see better, it wouldn’t be a judicial blindness. As I write this, Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev is …
The Payroll of the Bilderbergers
The Boston bombing brings the whole question of terrorism front and center again, and so it is worthwhile to discuss what the point of terrorism is, considered as a tactic. In the case of the Boston horror, we do not yet know which direction the tactic was pushing, but we should make a point of …
Three Takes on the House
If we are to understand the times we live in, we have to do a better job understanding them, if you catch my meaning. The system, the Establishment, or the Man, as we used to call it, is a ramshackle, rundown dive of a house, greatly in need of some repairs. Let us call this …
Suffocated As Well As Shot
Tyranny is a problem, and as with all other problems it must be properly diagnosed before we start proposing solutions. I take it as a given that we are living under what Paul Rahe calls “soft despotism.” While it is true we don’t have to put up with goose-steppers or missile parades, the nanny state …
Coin from God’s Mint
John Bunyan spent a number of years in jail, and it was not for preaching the gospel, as is commonly supposed. He was there for preaching the gospel without a licence. A lot of modern Christians, more cooperative than they ought to be, will immediately wonder why Bunyan didn’t hie himself down to the Department …
Connected Christian Resistance
It should be easy to see that we need to dive into a complicated subject. We know that there will be turmoil when we get there, and there will be questions we cannot answer. There will be tangles. That’s all right. What is not over our head is the realization that we will very soon …