The Bozo Over at Mablog

Over at Religion News Service, Jonathan Merritt has decided that a web brawl with me might make for some good click fodder. This post, in which he picks a fight with me, concludes with a stirring reminder that the apostle Paul requires that Christian leaders must not be should not be “quarrelsome,” but rather “peacemakers, …

Playing With the Cool Kids

An optical illusion is created by the pageantry of national political conventions. Because they serve the same organizational function as a junior high pep rally, and because politicians of the same party only occasionally take one another on seriously, the illusion is that the “Republicans” or the “Democrats” are on the same team. And I …

A Tishbite at the National Prayer Breakfast

I would like to follow up on my two previous posts found here and here with a few additional comments. Political engagement is messy, and so welcome to planet earth. When actual political controversies are going on, they are . . . well, controversies. It takes backbone to get in there and fight. When you …

Empty Pulpits or Full Churches?

I would like to draw your attention to Brad Littlejohn’s rejoinder to my post here. That rejoinder is down in the comments. This was my post on how an Obama vote disqualifies a man from ministry. Thanks to Brad for the comments, and for the opportunity for me to follow up on my initial post. …

The Distinguished Charles Krauthammer

I must rise to differ with the distinguished Charles Krauthammer. You may have noticed that I have been remarkably silent about the government shutdown shenanigans. This is not because I have nothing to say — indeed, every day that passes without government, I feel that Great Society ache in my bones lightening. And the crick …

The Red Queen in Alice

So the House has now passed a bill that defunds Obamacare. The president is miffed, and certain Republican establishment honchos are apoplectic. These realists of the right say that this quixotic business has got to stop because “you can’t govern from one half of one third of government.” If all you have is the House, …