A Covenant of Salt, or The Politics of Envy

The Lord Jesus compares His followers to two things, salt and light (Matt. 5:13-14). Salt that loses its saltiness is despised by men, and as a consequence is walked on. Light that is hidden from men is not something they respond to at all—because it is hidden from them. So we either have a no …

Numerous Piles of Blue Ruination

Boehner has announced that he disagrees with the growing calls for the impeachment of Obama. This is tactically shrewd, but nobody should mistake what I mean by tactically shrewd. When Jesus said that a king should take care to determine whether his ten thousand could take the king with twenty thousand, He was not saying …

And Free Chocolate Milk for All . . .

The uproar on the left over the Hobby Lobby decision has an explanation. That explanation is that we have allowed our understanding of what is meant by rights and liberties to become badly degraded. In fact, to simplify, the common understanding of rights has gotten into a condition of extreme labefactation. So to speak. The …

Contempt for Sharkey Law

The difference between an unbelieving libertarian and an unbelieving leftist is quite simple to grasp. The unbelieving libertarian wants to go to Hell, and the unbelieving leftist wants to do the same thing, but wants me to pay for it. Both need the gospel, and both present a problem for the evangelist. There is a …

Pour Us Another

When your predictions come true in the moral sphere, this makes you less believable, not more. And when all your predictions come true, you are guilty of hate crimes. There were two basic elements of the prophets’ vocation to Israel. One was that of foretelling, and the other was that of forthtelling. The first predicted …

Inviso-Bricks Unlimited

In Citizens United, the Supreme Court decided in effect that corporations didn’t have to be newspapers or networks in order to have First Amendments protections. This outraged the Left, which adores free speech if it involves stripping nekkid in a Manhattan theater, covering yourself with chocolate syrup and sprinkles, the better to facilitate one’s very …

A Point of Personal Privilege

Now that a select committee has been appointed to look into Benghazi — and about time — I thought I would raise a point of personal privilege. This is something I want conservatives to quit saying, and I will explain why in a moment. I want everybody to stop saying “four Americans died.” Because of …