One of the problems that we confront in this modern world is the problem of fragmentation. And one of the central drivers of that broader societal fragmentation has been the fragmentation of the family. ...
Joseph and Sarah
In the Scriptures, the pattern of marrying and being given in marriage is a picture of normality. Sometimes it is a picture of normality on the brink of judgment, as when people were doing all their normal things just before Noah’s flood. “For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating …
Chase and Heather
We have all gathered here in order to witness the formation of a new household. This new household will be made up of two Christians, but once it is formed, it is also going to be greater than the sum ...
Calvin and Lyzie
Marriage, as designed by God, is a glorious instrument of dominion. If we want to understand what is going on here today, we must understand this. Weddings are the front door to marriage, and marriage and dominion are woven tightly together. When God created our first parents, He gave them dominion over the entire world. …
Keziah and Jana
There is really only one reason why marriages become unhappy over time, and that reason is sin. And there is really only one reason why happy marriages are so astonishingly durable, and that is because the husband and the wife have learned the great lesson of how to deal with sin. And by “dealing with …
Joseph and Lia
God in His infinite wisdom has determined to make men and women very, very different. But we must be careful because there are different kinds of differences. What do I mean? A coral reef and a cirrus cloud are quite different—as in entirely different. A violin and a bow are also completely different, but a …
Kip and Karis
In a quote famously attributed to St. Francis, he once told his followers: “Preach the gospel at all times. Use words only when necessary.” Now to the extent that this is simply an exhortation to ...
Seth and Brooke
The world uses the word love a lot, but tends to fall into certain destructive patterns in their pursuit of it. One kind of love is conditional on the front end—“I will love you if . . .” Another is conditional after the fact—“I love you because . . .” I will love you in …
Tim and Maggie
Of course we confess the fact that God is the Creator of all things, but we have to be more specific than this. God did not just create matter, bringing it all forth out of nothing—although He did in fact do that. God created all the constituent parts of the cosmos, which would include time …
Aaron and Elin
There is a reason why we see so many unhappy marriages today, and that reason has to do with the impotence of idols. Idols always promise to hang the moon, but idols uniformly fail to deliver. Not only do they fail to deliver, but one of the first things they usually fail to deliver is …