Born to Die

Introduction: As we continue meditating on the meaning of Advent, we are not really resisting attempts to make Christmas meaningless as we are fighting with alternative meanings. There is no such thing (in the last analysis) as a vacuum holiday, a celebration without a point. Attempts to neutralize Christmas are simply an intermediate step—and the …

God Rest Ye Merry

We are now entering the season of Advent. And just as St. Paul told the Corinthians to observe the festival of Passover—which they did coming to the Lord’s Supper—by getting rid of the yeast of malice and wickedness, so you should take care to observe Christmas in the same fashion. This is the season of …

Just Plain Grateful

We have just finished celebrating Thanksgiving, and we are on the threshold of Advent. Every worship service, every Lord’s Day, culminates in our celebration of the Eucharist, which is the table of Thanksgiving. In contrast, those who rebel against God in the first chapter of Romans are described as having two signature positions—their refusal to …

Telling the Whole Christmas Story

As we continue to celebrate Advent, a central part of our task is to avoid the common idols of this time of year, and sentimentalism is chief among them. The Christmas story is told in Scripture in some detail, and as we celebrate this story, some of our lapses into idolatry can be identified by …

The Holy Spirit Is Not Your Private Satan: Easter 2006

We gladly testify to the reality of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. He was crucified, died, and was buried. He came back from the dead on the third day, raised in the power of the Spirit, and He did so in full accordance with the Scriptures. This we confess, and confess with staggered joy. But …