Comes now another Thanksgiving, and I have to say that I can’t get enough of them. This is a glorious harvest home music festival, one that strikes all the right notes. One of the things I have noticed over the years is that the so-called sons of Issachar (1 Chron. 12:32) tend to be on …
Here is a brief something I sent out to our church a few years ago. Some of you all might find it helpful. I forget if I have posted it before. Halloween As another Halloween approaches, and as many of us are working on building alternatives, I wanted to take the opportunity to offer a …
The Spirit Groans
INTRODUCTION: On Pentecost Sunday, we rejoice in the fact that the Comforter has been given, poured out upon us, so that the world might be prepared for the final consummation. This is a central role of the Spirit in the world, and it ties in directly with the purposes of God for this world that …
Colonies of Heavean
INTRODUCTION: On Ascension Sunday, we mark the glorious coronation of the Lord Jesus. After His resurrection, He established to His disciples that He was in fact alive forever, and then He ascended into the heavens. When He did this, He was received by the Ancient of Days, and was given universal authority over all the …
A Big Shout Out to the Pope
One more quick comment on penitential seasons. I do believe it is possible for good, sound Protestants to observe such seasons, provided they redefine everything and do something very different from what gave rise to the historical practice in the first place. But it seems to me this is done with success rarely, and when …
No Going Back
Have a blessed and glorious Easter. He is risen. He is risen indeed. No way to undo it.
Peter Leithart on Penitential Seasons
Last Sunday, I preached on penitential seasons, which you can listen to here. The outline for the message can be found here. And Peter Leithart has been kind enough to engage with some of my argument here and here. Just a couple comments in return. I agree with much of what Peter says, especially the …
Christ’s Death and Ours
We know that in His death, Jesus Christ conquered death. This was obviously in concert with His resurrection from the dead, but Scripture speaks of Christ’s death having a singular power over death as well. “Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; …
The New Ordinary
INTRODUCTION: The first Easter occurred at the time of Passover, which is when the first fruits of the barley crop were presented to the Lord. Pentecost, soon to follow, is when the first fruits of the wheat harvest were presented. As we consider the importance of the resurrection, we need to think of it in …
Penitential Seasons
INTRODUCTION: We are nearing the conclusion of the historic season of Lent, the preparation season for the celebration of Easter. This is Palm Sunday, the day in which we mark and celebrate the Lord’s Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem. As we are trying to orient ourselves by and with a Christian year, instead of the secularized …