Auburn Avenue Hubbub (AAH) Cool Quote #13

“This covenant is variously styled, from one or other of these several elements. Thus, it is called the ‘covenant of works,’ because perfect obedience was its condition, and to distinguish it from the covenant of grace, which rests our salvation on a different basis altogether. It is also called the ‘covenant of life.’ because life …

Yeah, Uh Huh Faith

John Robbins says the following, in an ostensible defense of Protestant orthodoxy. Gordon Clark apparently closed the back door “through which much of this Neolegalism has entered the churches: the notions that saving faith is different from belief, and more than belief, and that it is ‘commitment’ as well” (The Current Justification Controversy, p. 74). …

When Problems Glare

He may not be thrilled with this commendation, but in a recent journal article (Mid-America Journal of Theology), Alan Strange has an outstanding review of Gordon Clark’s What Is Saving Faith? He praises where praise is due, and points out glaring problems where said problems glare. And as Strange notes several times in the article, …