No, No. The Good Kind of Lynching.

Scott Clark has called the treatment that Steve Wilkins is getting an ecclesiastical lynching. But before you start scratching your head over this puzzlement, he does say this like its a good thing. HT. Mark Horne Land of Goshen! if I may exclaim here with more than my usual vehemence. Or looking at it from …

Honestly. I Ask You.

The problem with the word conservative is that it leaves open the question of what it is you are conserving exactly. It can refer to Kremlin KGB types, Saudi Muslims, polygamous Mormons, and men like J. Gresham Machen. And a conservationist is someone who derives his ideological identity from wanting to conserve other stuff. So …

Kicking This Particular Can Down the Road

All right, then. More on Steve Wilkins. Actually, this is more on the sociology and demographics of the thing. From where I sit, in the Idaho nickel seats, this is what the lay of the land looks like. I have urged every Reformed believer who has had any interest whatever in the federal vision controversy …

More on Steve Wilkins

Now, just a few comments on why Steve Wilkins’ answers to his presbytery’s questions satisfactorily address all the basic questions. This will not be long and involved because the issues are not complicated. First, Steve unambiguously affirms the exhaustive sovereignty of God over all things. “‘2. Do you at all deny the definition of election …

Steve Wilkins and the PCA

Here is the ecclesiastical situation with Steve Wilkins as I currently understand it. As a result of the Auburn Avenue controversy, Lousiania Presbytery of the PCA was asked to look into Steve’s orthodoxy, which they did by means of a committee. And, given his orthodoxy, it is not surprising that they cleared him. But the …

A “Yelling At My Windshield” Reprise

Some time ago I listened through a set of conference tapes put out by Westminster West, and blogged on that experience, calling the series something like “Yelling At My Windshield.” That series of posts is in the archives here, located somewhere under Auburn Avenue Stuff. I mention it now because this particular part of my …

The One and the Many

In this space I have often referred to the various controversies that blew up over the last three or four years. The controversies, in alpabetical order, were: baptism, boarders, elder qualifications, federal vision, new perspective on Paul, perjury allegations, plagiarism allegations, postmodernism, satiric bite, slavery, tax apportionment and assessment, and of course last, zoning. I …