Pretty Sure It Is Not You

Flannery O’Conner wrote that everything that rises must converge, but this must also be said of everything that is circling the drain. The shared worldview of our chattering classes appears to me to be nothing more than a vast epistemic sinkhole. This is the kind of thing that could make Turretin exclaim, were he present …

7 Follow-On Thoughts to Crimson Carnage

Occasionally something I write slips the leash and I have to spend a couple hours looking for it. That was the case here and so I thought it necessary to add a few follow-on thoughts. 1. Bryan Loritts said this on Twitter about my article: “@douglaswils blog is like using a eulogy to preach on …

So the Punk Is New York City

On the surface, the situations in Staten Island and Ferguson – two instances of a grand jury’s refusing to indict a white cop for the death of a black man – are quite similar. But other than that one factor the situations are dramatically different. Actually, there is one other significant similarity – Al Sharpton …

A Final Wrap-Up: Thabiti Anyabwile and Douglas Wilson

Introduction When our discussion first started, we were both surprised at how well it went, and both of us are very grateful to God, and to one another, for this great blessing. We have also been grateful to the readers and commenters who participated in this discussion in the same spirit, praying with us, and …