I watched enough of the just released footage of Obama’s 2007 race baiting video — just enough to get a load of his accent, an accent thick enough to pogo-stick across — to think I should jot down a few things here about mendacity. Or perhaps it would be best to speak of brazen mendacity. …
If Obama Wins . . .
If Obama wins — which is a real possibility — certain things follow. I mean certain things will follow other than the zombie apocalypse which will tragically end with a horde of them eating the republic’s brains. One of the results will be the chortling comments pointing out that I predicted this wouldn’t happen, which …
That Dog’s Breakfast
Okay, so let’s have a little fun with the Paul Ryan pick. And by “a little fun” I mean a short political sketch that will make all my friends think I have lost my mind. But I haven’t. Promise. Remember, going back to Old Testament analogies, everything hinges on where we think we are. How …
The Best Case for Voting Romney So Far. But . . .
Our friend David Bahnsen pointed me to the following three articles. The first is by another friend, Gary DeMar, urging us to vote for Romney. The second is a dissenting view, found here. And the third is by Jim Jordan, and he lays out the best case for Christians voting for Romney that I have …
Nullification or Nutterfication?
If your kayak is going over the falls, then the mainstream is the last place you would want to be. I say this because “mainstream” is not automatically a term of praise. At the same time, nobody wants to be a nutter just for grins, and so allow me to lay down some basic principles …
Don’t Be Taxed Just Sitting There
Update: Thanks to Kyriosity and David Hoos for the help. Hey, everybody. Almost done reading John Roberts’ decision on Obamasnare, which was, incidentally, bad enough to make your back teeth ache, and the experience inspired me to make one of those meme thingies. Only problem is, I don’t know how. Can anybody out there help …
Three Coyotes and a Sheep
When I say that the Bible requires limited government — because a claim to unlimited government by mortals is a spurious claim to Deity — I do not mean that Christians may not find themselves living under despotic regimes from time to time. Our understanding of these things (given by grace) does not automatically transfer …
No Fluttering Dove
Governors Jindal and Scott are to be commended for publicly stating that they will not implement Obamacare in Louisiana and Florida respectively. There will doubtless be other statements like this, and they are all to be encouraged. In 2010, the legislative House of my own state of Idaho passed a measure that stated their unwillingness …
Seven Quick Thoughts on the Obamasnare
1. Yesterday I sent out a tweet that offered my legal analysis of the Obamacare de . . . well, let us call it a decision. That theory was that somebody has PHOTOS of John Roberts. Not an assertion, not a charge, just an attempt to place a charitable construct upon the inexplicable. Others have …
Obama As Swede
So yesterday I open up my browser, all innocent-like, and saw that Drudge had a match-up between Obama and Cain. This, coupled with Cain’s strong showing in the Florida straw poll, and his arrival in the first tier of candidates in at least one major poll, indicates that it is now his turn to have …