Nice and Nasty Sharia Bits

The real problem with Rowan Williams’ acquiesence to Sharia-creep in the UK is not so much the fact that he did so. He is the archbishop — that kind of thing is his job. Theodore Dalrymple points to the “opacity of the language that he habitually employs” and correctly identifies the problem with it. “There …

Imagination in the UK

I believe I have mentioned before that someone — Napoleon I think — said that imagination rules the world. Discounting what we need to discount here — Napoleon not being a font of spiritual wisdom, and adjusting for different meanings of the word imagination, this remains quite true, profoundly true. The imagination that I refer …

A Few Comments for Christians in the UK

Nancy and I have been having a delightful time here in the UK, seeing the sights of course, and visiting with some very insightful Christians here. This is our third visit to this lovely place, and it certainly won’t be the last. Here are some raggety taggety observations on the state of evangelicalism here, along …