“Christians might think that the confusions in the art world are no concern to them, simply another example of the vanity of this world. The arts, though, are important. We cannot escape them. They permeate our lives and our culture. The décor of our surroundings; the music we listen to; the entertainment we enjoy in …
Reason As Servant
“Suppose someone rejects the teaching of the Bible on God’s omniscience, but not because of any grammatical or exegetical reason. Suppose he rejects it because it contradicts something that his ‘reason’ insists on keeping. Who then is his Lord? Reason, or Christ? And who is the servant? Reason, or Christ? And to press it back …
Can Reason Run With Horses?
“The use of the phrase ‘if words have meaning’ is very important here. It is ironic that people can hold reason in very high esteem adn say that it is competent to investigate the depths of the wisdom and knowledge of God, as well as the nature of time and eternity, and yet when it …
Inane Classicism
“During the sixties, a number of important cultural transactions took place. The classical musical tradition (that is, new music being composed in the tradition of Beethoven and Mozart) finally collapsed under the weight of its own inanity. The fact that John Cage and Karl Heinz Stockhausen were at all taken seriously was a sign that …
Musical Four-wheeling
“Music, quite simply, has to go somewhere. It is organized in time. If there is no reason why one note should follow another, there is no way of organizing that time in any coherent fashion. Atonality meant a freedom analogous to taking down all signs and abolishing all roads.” [E. Michael Jones, Dionysos Rising (San …
The Last Yellow Dog
“Both camps [Calvinists and Arminians] hold to the orthodox doctrine of God that maintains that God knows the end from the beginning. Before the foundation of the world, God saw the last yellow dog ever to walk down some street at the end of the world, and before eternal times God knew the number of …
Don’t You Love Them Madly?
“To jump ahead roughly one hundred years: Jim Morrison described his band The Doors as ‘erotic politicians’. ‘We’re interested in everything about revolt, disorder, and all activity that appears to have no meaning.’ It is difficult to imagine what Nietzsche would have thought of the music, but it is hard to imagine him withholding his …
But He Says Nothing About Robins
“We are of course missing the point of the Lord’s doctrine [Matt. 10:29-30] if we say, ‘Yes, God knows all about the sparrows, but where does the Bible say He keeps track of swallows?’ Jesus is giving us one blunt example in order to show us the extremities of God’s knowledge. He invites us to …
Where We Got All the Uber-Goobers
“It took Nietzsche to philosophize out of Wagner’s music a program for cultural revolution that would shake the coming age to its foundation. The twentieth century was to become the proving ground for Nietzschean philosophy in its various permutations. There were the Nazis, and then there was the global cultural revolution of 1968-1969, and then …
Every Tuft of Grass
“God knows every bird of the mountains [Ps. 50:10-11]. His knowledge of the universe is much more than a grand, broad knowledge — it extends down to minute particulars. God knows far more than the correct number of galaxies; He knows all the movements of the mockingbird in your backyard–every dive, every step, every movement, …