“MTV’s rock videos tend to be fragmented and surreal, with fast cuts, visual rhythms, and imagery that is striking but does not make a lot of sense. Country videos naturally tend to be narratives, reflecting the storytelling character of the music'” (Gene Edward Veith, Honky-Tonk Gospel, p. 165).
Being Cooked At Home
“And the home is an example. There is a vast differencce between home cooking and being cooked at home. What are some of the things that cause the sweet nourishment of a home to be turned into a cauldron of death? The list is clearly not exhaustive, but consider just a few: displays of temper, …
No Secular Sacred Divide in Bluegrass Anyway
“A similar mixture of sacred and secular numbers can be found on nearly every bluegrass album by nearly every performer. Contemporary bluegrass virtuoso — and country music crossover –Alison Krauss told a reporter, ‘I’m trying to remember a [bluegrass] band that doesn’t play gospel. I just can’t think of any.'” (Gene Edward Veith, Honky-Tonk Gospel, …
Boiled In Low-Fat Milk
“The milk was for the kid, not the kid for the milk. Think for a moment, the Word tells us. The classroom is for the child; the child is not for the classroom. The Sabbath is a feast, not a fast (Lev. 23:2-3). The Lord’s day is a feast, not a fast (Jude 12). We …
Perichoretic Singinng
“When people got together to play musical instruments, they also stood in a circle so they could hear each other and blend in—an act of communal, participatory music-making, not a performance before a passive, non-music-making audience. This is still the practice today when people come together to play bluegrass music” (Gene Edward Veith, Honky-Tonk Gospel, …
True Rejection of Hellenism
“Johnny Cash . . . lists in the liner notes to his album Unchained what he likes in music: I love songs about horses, railroads, land, judgment day, family, hard times, whiskey, courtship, marriage, adultery, separation, murder, war, prison, rambling, damnation, home, salvation, death, pride, humor, piety, rebellion, patriotism, larceny, determination, tragedy, rowdiness, heartbreak, and …
Death By Sabbath
“But the first principle is given clearly by Isaiah: Call the Sabbath a delight (Is. 58:13). And even this verse is abused whenever truncated, narrow, and parsimonious Sabbath observance is substituted for the real thing. The cranky Sabbatarian, who ‘cooks kids in their Sabbath milk,’ does not limit this destructive behavior to one day in …
And They Make the Classroom A Cauldron
“Moses required that the Israelites refrain from seething or boiling a kid in its mother’s milk (Deut. 14:21). The placement of this law in Deuteronomy is right at the beginning of Moses’ exposition of the fourth commandment, the Sabbath law. This insignificant law has many applications, which ostensible friends of the Sabbath need to learn. …
Whooda Thunk?
“In fact, statistics show country fans to be more educated than either adult contemporary or rock audiences. Thirty-six percent of country fans have a college degree, as opposed to 30 percent for adult contemporary and 22 percent for rock fans” (Gene Edward Veith, Honky-Tonk Gospel, p. 11).
The Central Problem With Pragmatism
“We do not want to live in accordance with the dictates of pragmatism, which can be hung with its own rope. Pragmatism doesn’t work. At the same time, commitment to something more important than immediate success often as the side benefit of immediate success” (The Case for Classical Christian Education, p. 142).